Anyone know the status of the painting, “Thunder on the Horseshoe Curve,” by Otto Kuhler? His painting exaggerates the lines of K4 Number 4300, the first K4 locomotive and K4 Number 1361, the last operating K4 locomotive as they are portrayed westbound at Kittaning Point. The painting expresses the work and effort of those locomotives as they fight upgrade. I have a print sold by the Intermountain Chapter of the NRHS as a fundraiser back in the mid-1960’s. Is this painting in a museum or in a private collection?
It’s actually titled “Thunder on Horseshoe Curve”. IF I’m reading the info right from this website, it appears it was recently sold at auction:
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Many thanks. I will follow through with the gallery. As you posted the image of the painting it indicates the energy and mechanical life that was so much a part of the K4 machine and the environ of The Curve!