Our very own bridge to nowhere.

For a change a good use of tax dollars [swg] . Seriously though it’s about time some of these truss bridges got saved. The’re getting rarer and rarer every day, both road and rail ones.

There’s a bridge debate going on in my county. The (now abandoned) MO-PAC line through here crossed US highway 75 on a short bridge, and the debate is weither or not to spend over 1 mil to remove it, and construct a new bridge for the trail traffic so the hwy. can be widened and a small clearance problem solved. I don’t want to see it removed because it’s one of a kind on the line. It’s a ballasted deck plate girder over the hwy. with concrete approaches, and WROUGHT IRON railings.

What about ongoing maintenance? Sure, the decision now was for $50k between fixing it and tearing it down. They fixed it but unless they keep spending money on it yearly, they’ll have to spend hundreds of thousands more years down the road to fix it up again.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Well…they couldn’t send it by train…the bridge was out. [:o)]