Hi all
I am going to have an out door back scene to hide an ugly iron fence
I figure from some advice recieved that it will best be made of fiber cement on fence battens.
So far so good but I have never atempted to paint a back scene not even on indoor model railways
Any one got any ideas on how to go about it. we are talking a very
roughly 36’ long by 4’ high may be a little taller so its no small scene.
regards John
I have about the same problem, I want to hide a chain link fence by just having a backdrop that is vertical with some texture to it. In one place there is a width problem therefore only an inch of room at the most can be used. I have not looked recently for this product however shortly I will be and to my best description it is described as metal lathe that was used in the home building trade for tubs and for shower stalls when actual tile by the piece is used. The metal lathe is about one quarter inch (.25") in thickness and the sheet size is almost 4 feet by 8 feet , however it has been awhile since I have seen this product. The metal lathe could very well be hung using heavy duty wire from a horizontal rail with heavy duty wire. The wire mesh of the metal lathe is very small around one quarter inch and concrete (sand mix pre packaged) should be applied (trowel) onto this metal lathe very easily. I plan to lay heavy plastic sheeting down on our driveway then laying down the metal lathe the toweling on the pre packaged concrete. Once dried pick up the metal lathe with the concrete finish on it and hang on the fence rail. I am going to try and just force the concrete (sand mix) thought the mesh and completely covering the mesh and have a bead like finish, something like a knit sweater effect, just a slightly rough texture. More time consuming than difficult.
For coloring there are 2 options regular outdoor latex paint which is available in many colors or a concrete dye that is available to mix into the concrete, I know of red and black and burnt orange which can be mixed together and can be made to look like real rock. I cast some concrete rocks and used the concrete coloring and I have received many complements.