Thirteen years ago ,i had a large scale layout in my back yard.It was raised off the ground ,like all layouts.Then the weather got the best of the platform,it started to warp,and maintance became over welming.My oldest boy gave me a life-like army f-7 and several military cars in HO.I loved being outdoors ,so i decided to try a ho layout in my yard.I started with a 4 x 8 x 3/4 plywood,standing
34" off the ground. To protect all this ,a 10 x 10 ’ canopy covered the unit. like all modelers, that wasnt enough. So, i added another 4 x 8 in line.This i covered with a tarp.This weekend a 2"x6" board was added along the fence,and at the
end of 24’,a 2’ x 4’ turnaround was added.Now i have a layout thats 35’ long.
I leave all the equiptment in the original 4 x 8.That includes locos,rolling stock,and power supply.It has been twelve months in the outdoors and everything works like it should. I live in the north east (ny),were the sun is not to intense,but the winters are moderate to some degree. Now i have the best of two worlds,being outside for a average of five hrs/day,and enjoying my railroad.I had a lot of critisism for it,but to each is own.
Hey thats what this hobby is all about, trying new things and doing what makes you happy.
who would of thought a HO scale Garden railroad.
In one of the train books i get, a few year ago I saw where some guy in Chicago,Il had a Lional layout in his back yard, what caught my eye was he leting his Lional O gauge engine push a snow plow to get real snow off of his track, if a O gauge layout will work in snow,any gauge should work in more ideal conditions
Ive alway
s wanted to do an outdoor HO lay out if ,a basement layout could not be had.(the size I wanted.)You have a layout that is tried and tested .I live in Ohio,so this will work here also.I`ll have to check with the landlord (WIFE) before making an outdoor test track for my basement/crawlspace railroad.Mybe it can run out the window when the weather is good.
How do you keep the track from warping and buckling from winter to summer?