Outdoor Train Shed

I am looking to buid a “weather-proof” train shed to keep my garden trains in as part of my layout so I don’t have to drag them in and out. Nay suggestions on building constuction/technique??

Rubbermaid makes a nice vinyl “shed” that stands about 50" high that several of the members of the local club use to store their G scale rolling stock in. And it would save you having to build one.

Then you’ll have pick them all up. If You have the money maybe you would like to be able to just roll the trains off a siding into the bottom of the shed. You could use the rest of the shep as you would your tool shed.

check out www. mylargescale.com there are some articals on train sheds , like one guys has his w/ 4 tracks about 15 ft long coverd and easy acess and look good in the yard

also check out mylargescale.com they good pics and good info!

One of the members of SVGRS has a long 2 track building at the end of a long spur. It’s made like a garden shed, except with 1x2s instead of 2x4s. Has shingles on the roof and doors that shut to keep out the weather and critters.