Outer Harbor Terminal Railway Info?

Recently, I visited the Rail Giants Museum In Pomona, CA. and saw a small 0-6-0 engine that belonged to the Outer Harbor Terminal Railway in the Port Of Los Angeles.

Does anyone know what years and location in the port this railway operated?

I have already visited the Rail Giants Museum website.

San Pedro CA (Port of Los Angeles)

Built 1914-1925 as Outer Harbor* Dock & Wharf Co. on leased Port of LA property. Railroad incorporated on July 9, 1927. To Harbor Belt Line 1929 (UP/SP/ATSF/LA union terminal operation…OHTR was tied loosely to SP/PE due to interchange). To Pacific Harbor Line 1998.

  • Berths 45-49 in the port, where Lane Victory (historic ship) is tied-up.