Over Heard on Radio

I monitor the railroad frequencies in my office at work. I over heard this conversation on a U.P. yard frequency: “Guy’s we gotta get this train built by 2:00 o’clock, if these cars of plastic are’nt in Indianna by Thursday some company goes down for material.” There was a 1 minute pause than “Yard say’s if we get this train built by 2 he will spring for pizza.”
This simple conversation brings up two questions;
N0.1 Is that common for railroad’s to offer insentives to get priority trains built. Do they have a budget for that? (I tried to get money budgeted for that for our “trades” workers and the board almost threw me out the top floor window.)
No.2 When did railroads start working with and worrying about customers?

I think in every job there are times when we all have to work a wee bit harder than normal. I think what you heard was a friendly insentive, and not an expected insentive.
Also, I’m surprised that you think that someone working for the railroad would actually care about the customer. Well somebody has to, or there wouldn’t be very much frieght out there. Frankly I think that the pressure is coming from a number crunching fact.

a lot of companies are going to just in time inventory.there are alot of auto parts hauled that way by train.
stay safe

it goes back to having fun at work many times we say thigs on the radio that is not supposed to go out. but we do. this was a thing were maybe the guys might be mad at that yard master and made it sound like ill do it if you make it worth while. really though it got done

From time to time I have also overheard railroad conversations on my scanner that are humorous, but you have to be careful not to repeat what you hear on your scanner, because that is a federal offense

I just read about the federal offense thing. Are you kidding or is that truthful?

Just Curious.

Brian (KY)

It’s illegal to listen in on cordless or cellphone conversations with a scanner. Radio transmission like railroad or police and fire are no problem.

No, its not illegal to repaet something you heard on a scanner. What is illegal is for you, with out a FCC license or the party you work for not having a FCC license, to broadcast or repeat over the air any transmission intercepted, or to brodcast a transmission or rebroadcast a transmission not intended for you. Railroads hold a license to use certain frequencies, and by extension, and as their agent, you have the right to excersise that license as a railroad employee, and broadcast on those channels.
Stay Frosty,

Hi again, Tim.
Here is a few of the most volume oriented shippers the PTRA has. Guess what their major, or second most major product is.
Dutch Royal Shell, Phillips, Dow, Solvay, Rohm and Haun, Lubrizoil, Fina, and Exxon Mobil.
If you guessed plastic, in just about any form, including liquid, pellet or powder, you win.
We have a entire yard, devoted to storing or holding covered hoppers, tank cars and pressurized three bay hoppers just for these guys. We get a daily train from Dayton, from a SIT yard there, (storage in transit) just for Solvay and Fina.
One of my main concerns as the switchman/foreman is to make sure this train is switched out, divided into the blocks for each company, and set over, coupled and spotted for ground air, before I finish my shift. If the inbound train from Dayton is late getting to us, I may have to wait and work overtime to get it done, no questions asked by upper management, its that important.
As for the pizza, most likley a joke on someones part, but its not that unusal for a small incentive to be offered by the yard master if the need is great. Our yard master has, on occasion, when we made him look good or did a special move for him, sprung for a couple of pizzas, he bought us subway sandwichs one night, just because he wanted to keep us happy, (we worked thru our meal periods on a holiday to fill a customers order for a lot of empty tanks)
But most yard crews alread know what has to be done, and when its due, and if something unexpected does show up, a little incentive works wonders.
Stay Frosty,

Rudy, you have been miss lead, the rule’s say, “When overheard conversation leads to personal gain or profit”
FCC Lis.# PG-00-03353

Tim,You would not believe the silly stuff I have heard on my scanner…Things like I will buy the 'spatcher a cup of coffee if he will make the other trains wait…'Spatcher replies,Why should I do that? "I got all the coffee I need right here!

Engineer to another engineer,Hey Charlie can’t you get those GEs to run any faster? My Grandmother can out walk you at that speed(a pause) and shes dead!

Hey… if you imagione me working and factor in my sense of humor… i have fun on the radio all the time… until a guy from the RTC tells us to shut up!

In canada Everyhting is CRTC liscenced… not FCC… and the rules are A LOT more slack…
