All, As you know I am new and I am looking at our layout. I want to do DCC but there seems to be so many choices out there that I don’t want to skimp or over spend.
We are talking about a layout of 12’ x 8’. I am not totally sure on how many trains would be running at once but no more than 3 I think.
I’m a beginner, as well, and I’m using the Atlas Commander system for my N scale layout. I’m running two trains right now (with a third to be added, once I buy another decoder!), and I’ve had no problems with it. It’s not as feature rich as something like the Digitrax Zephyr, but I was able to get it set up and running quickly.
With DCC you have independent control over all your engines.
But you have to adress an engine first and then give it some order: faster, even faster or whisle.
So most users control one engine at a time. Three trains running at the same time will need three operators and all three have their own throttle. On a layout with the size you have, I would go for two (maybe, maybe three) operators. But you will have to design your layout for it.
One exemple, when one person is operating the yard, another is running the wayfreight and number three is running a hotshot, that will reappear every 15 seconds or so; it is impossible for the wayfreight and the yardswitcher to do their job. But when the yard services two industrial zones, the three can do their jobs without much mutual interference. Or you have to design your main independent from the yard and the industry tracks e.g. Daneville on Pelle Soeborg’s UP layout.
Go with either a Digitrax Zephyr or the NCE power cab. Both systems are great starter sets and have great support from their respective web sites and yahoo groups. What is great about both these systems are that if you ever expand to a larger system they both are easily integrated. Chris
Our club wasted over a year in analysis paralysis trying to decide on a DCC system. Eventually you just have to choose one and make up your mind to be happy with it (The club eventually chose Lenz).
Personally I have taken to advising people to choose one with a controller that feels good in your hand. I like the built in throttles on the Digitrax Zephyr and the CVP EasyDCC systems. I like the slim-lightweight wireless CVP throttles that our club use with Lenz.
I have yet to meet a DCC system that could not live with. I currently own 4 and operate on other people’s layouts with several different types.
I definitely recommend one throttle per train. To me there is nothing more annoying than playing video game scrolling through stacks trying to find the right loco to control.
Nice feature on the Zephyr are the two “jump” ports that allow using decent DC control units as a basic throttles. Good for that transition period (plus the DC units can provide AC or DC for accessories or lighting).
Seriously, the throttle is your interface to the whole system. I went with a Lenz System 100, with the pushbutton “Dispatcher” throttle. I’ve got large hands and not-that-good-anymore eyes, so I really like that aspect of the throttle. However, your criteria may be different, and you may like the Digitrax throttle which has much smaller buttons, but two complete sets on the same unit so you can easily run two trains by yourself.
By the way, I have a 5x12 foot HO layout, which I’m currently expanding. For now, though, I often run 3 trains by myself. I have two independent loops which can run unattended, and then I can run a third train, either switching in the yard or interleaving with the looping trains. I get a lot of activity this way, and I don’t have to buy beer and chips for anyone but myself.
First off don’t be over whelmed by DCC yes it can be a bit intimidating and when guys started talking about speed matching and cv’s and back emf bla bla it all becomes a bit of a blur to me as I am still learning new things about my NCE everyday. Heck I haven’t even figured out the MRC Prodigy that I don’t even use anymore. Not pushing Tony’s but give The guys at Tony’s Train exchange a call or any of the other reputable DCC dealers around. I’ve never had any dealing with them but I hear a lot of good things said about Litchfield Station as well. Today any one worth their salt who knows anything about DCC is going to spend a little time with you on the phone if your seriously going to buy.
They guy I spoke with was very nice and was not condescending in the least, he asked me simple questions like what were my goals how large of a layout was I planning on building, how many trains did I want to run and one of the most interesting things he asked was do you like playing video games and are you a real computer nut. His reasoning was to put me with the most user friendly application for my needs as he could. Another thing he recommended was to see who in my area , clubs friends etc. were using. Some times you get the best information from someone you know or can just stop by and show you do this this and this etc.
I don’t think you can really pick a bad DCC system if you stick with the bigger names such as NCE, Digitrax and Lenze all three will do the same thing give or take all seem to have pretty good tech support so it’s really a tough decision. Try looking up a local club or two and stop in when they have an open house or an open night and ask a few questions I am sure you’ll get a lot of good friendly advice.
After re-entering the hobby after a 40 year hiatus I was completely lost as to DCC systems. Finally settled on NCE power cab. Easy set up and was working the first night. Have real good customer support and many users on this forum with info. Run two trains at once, on the same track, consists etc. with no problem. Can not speak to other systems as I have not run them…again very happy with NCE…Bob
I chose mine by asking two people close to me to look at them and give me there opinion. One was the head technician for a large cell phone network and the other was the chief electrical engineer on the largest hydro electric project in Africa. neither one had an interest in trains.
For purely technical reasons they both liked the NCE systems. So that’s what I ended up buying as I had no experience with DCC. Anyway I have been delighted with it. That having been said I have not used any other.
I’ve been an MR since the '50s but only into DCC since last January. I did a LOT of reading and asking questions and gave the good folks on this Forum a run for their money (THANK YOU ALL !!!). I finally decided to go with Digitrax (Superchief w/ 2nd booster), but NCE was strongly considered as well.
Both companies put out quality products with excellent support (including Yahoo groups) and perhaps most important, their systems can grow with you. They are readily available, and will serve you well.
This is not to say that the other companies produce “junque”, it is only saying that Digitrax & NCE are the leaders in the field and have excellent reputations.
I have a small 3X12 layout. I recently pruchased an MRC Progidy Advance 2 system becuase it was affordable and it has all the features I need, for example 28 functions. I have been very happy with it. It has many of the features of higher priced systems. I paid $216. If some day you decide to add such things as sound you will want a system that has more functions available. The MRC PA2 functions are very easy to access and use and programming is very straight forward. Digitrax, NCE systems just looked too complicated to use. I also heard that from others. Also if remember if you buy a Digitrax system you will have to buy a separate power supply if you dont have one that will work. MRC comes with everything in one neat package and service is great too.