P1k DCC install

Putting a decoder (DH123) in an RDC1 P1K. I am going to use the pc board and it looks like I need to take out all the diodes, Correct? They have the resistor on the light common so it should be fine. Figure on using the soldering pads for the leads. Had to get a DH123P to see what color was what pin!! Forgot!!

Here is the ultimate RDC DCC install guide!


I think it is one of the best DCC install guides I have seen for any model!

That was PERFECT, done and running with Interior lights in teh RDC1!!

Thank you

Do they have something like this for the Bachmann DCC Ready ‘jeeps’?

I believe Bachmann engines are what I will be going with eventually (on an NCE Power Cab) and a visual like that shown on the site above would come in VERY handy for this nervous nelly.

Ignore the circuit board. I did an RDC for someone and just hard-wired the decoder. I left the board i palce because it keeps the deocder and wires from falling into the visiable area. I also ‘cheated’ and used a couple of the otherwise isolated traces to extend the wires from one end of the loco to the other, since those things are so long the standard harness wires wouldn’t reach to both ends. Like other P1K locos you supposedly cna cut traces where marked and then solder the various decoder wires to the indicated spots. The customer had attempted this and managed to blow the decoder - that’s why I jusr hard wired it. There are two wires coming up at each end from the trucks, and the two wires from the motor - easy enough to solder to the decoder. I put an LED and resistor at each end in place of the light bulbs.
