In P2K 0-6-0 locos, is the DCC/Sound in the tender? If so, would it be difficult to move the sytem to a generic Vandy tender.
In P2K 0-6-0 locos, is the DCC/Sound in the tender? If so, would it be difficult to move the sytem to a generic Vandy tender.
Yes, the decoder and speaker would be in the tender. The electrical pickups are on the tender, as well. If the Vandy tender can be opened/modified so that you can install everything, I don’t see why not.
Not a problem if you can also move the trucks…the truck pickups are very, very important.
David B
Thanks, guys. It may be a project I’ll try to tackle. I’m trying to get a close example of the Baldwin 0-6-0 that served as the yard goat for Dallas Union Terminal into the early '60s. The only one I’m aware of that exists is a brass Sunset SP S-12 from the 1970s (I think) and everytime one comes up for sale someone else beats me to it.