P2K axel gears, temporary fix.

I have a GP-9 from P2K and after sittiing for several it had developed a broken axel gear. I didn’t know what the problem was at first, I just knew that it clicked alot especialy when under a load[B)]. I was looking somewhere on the internet one day and heard about the broken gear. Checked my own loco and that was it. Now for the temp fix.

I have regeared several Athearn Locomotives, in order to do this on thier BB six axel units you need to remove two of the original axel gears. So I used them on my P2K and problem solved[:D]! For awhile any way. One small problem there not a perfect match but there very very close. This will get you by till Walthers get’s they stock in place. .

I have replaced the P2K 4 axle gears in the GP9’s with Athearn - perfect match. I also sent a note to Life-Like, and got a dozen wheel sets/gears from them for free! I hope the Walthers service department keeps up the great service…

Jim Bernier

Other modelers also reported problems with the GP 20 & 30.