How do I get back to home page rather than spend 10 minutes playing computer geek to get on the forum? because it’s new, it may not be better.
It says “Home” up near the top left corner.
“Forums” would take you specifically to the MR Forums section.
Maybe your device is not showing it?
BTW, been getting lots of errors messages here today, including when I posted this. It came through anyway. Keep calling[:^)]
Can anybody quote posts anymore? I sure can’t, either with IE or Firefox.
You mean like this?
I have no problem with quoting posts.
Mr. B,
Choose the Reply option. Takes you to the screen for that with “Add quote to your Post” just above the Reply form. Click on it and it quotes the entire post below. Highlight part of the text in the original above the “Add quote to your Post”, then click it and it quotes just that part in the Reply form below.
Yes, that’s what I do, but when I click the “Add Quote to your Post” button, I get a “javascriptvoid(0);” message in the lower left corner of the page, and nothing happens. I have this problem at work. I’ll have to check again at home, where I’ve still got a “real man’s computer” running XP rather than this silly Windows 7 thing here.
Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me how to unscribe to a specific thread after you’ve clicked on the “subscribe” button at the top of the thread. When I go to “Email Notifications” under my name, I get only an error message. The people at Kalmbach couldn’t tell me how to do it.
It is a Flash/Java thing… Update these plug-ins and it should work.
I use a bookmark called - Model Railroader | Forums - in a folder called Model Railroading with the following URL:
P.S.: The URL posted above in this reply does not work!
With the new software, I can no longer quote posts if I am using IE8. So, now, to visit the forum, I use Google Chrome. With Chrome, I can quote posts.
For a while I was getting that resource not found message when I tried to log out. I went to internet options on my computer and cleared out all the cookies. After that I had no problem.
Here is the sequence I go to to bring up forums:
1.>MR on My Favorites----up comes PAGE OR RESOURCE NOT FOUND.
2.>"community’’ from list------up comes “recent activity”
3.> Browse our Forums
4.> General Discussion
5.> Topic
Will stay with this system as it works, have no idea whatever happened to the previous system that worked?
richhotrain wrote the following post 1 hours ago:
Can anybody quote posts anymore? I sure can’t, either with IE or Firefox.
With the new software, I can no longer quote posts if I am using IE8. So, now, to visit the forum, I use Google Chrome. With Chrome, I can quote posts.
It’s not youse guy’s, or me guy’s, it’s them. Mine come’s and goes, like the weather. On three different Browser’s, that I have absolutely no problem’s on any other site I go to. I don’t want to offend anyone, including Kalmbach. But a Tech person by the help site, checked all my sync. system’s and told me, I’m fine,up to date. What more can I say. I have just be trying to work around it and adapt.
BTW: I forgot to mention, the test I had was from JAVA.
[quote user=“zstripe”]
richhotrain wrote the following post 1 hours ago:
Can anybody quote posts anymore? I sure can’t, either with IE or Firefox.
With the new software, I can no longer quote posts if I am using IE8. So, now, to visit the forum, I use Google Chrome. With Chrome, I can quote posts.
It’s not youse guy’s, or me guy’s, it’s them. Mine come’s and goes, like the weather. On three different Browser’s, that I have absolutely no problem’s on any other site I go to. I don’t want to offend anyone, including Kalmbach. But a Tech person by the help site, checked all my sync. system’s and told me, I’m fine,up to date. What more can I say. I have just be trying to work around it and adapt.
BTW: I forgot to mention, the test I had was from
Ah, I can do this at home but not from work. At work, of course, I don’t control the updates. IT does that, but they take their sweet time about it.
I am running, Java version 7-51.
Well, that is the same I am using. Sorry your having problems…
The problem with the new software is with Kalmbach, not with any of our individual computers, browsers or operating systems.
That is why this forum became the beta test and why this software never got installed on the other forums.
Neil B. acknowledged some time ago that it was an off the shelf product and a poorly developed one at that.
My early professional training was as a programmer and systems analyst. I later wrote software to be licensed over the Internet. One of the first things that you have to do is to be certain that the software is supportable on all types of operating systems, browsers and third party applications like Java. The current software obviously did not do this. With the advent of mobile devices, the need for software compatibility has become an even more critical step in the testing process. Again, this new software has failed to do that.
Rich,I agree…I didn’t have any issues with the old forum format…I had to add this forum to the compatible viewing list and it still remains the only site on that list.