I would like to model a layout in the mid to late 1940’s period in the northeast and would like to know what the paint scheme for Swift and Hormel reefers were. I have not seen any kits available for those companies. Any suggestions?
Also what was the paint scheme for New York Central freight and passenger stations at that time.
Any suggestions on where to find any creamery cars like Walthers produced a few years ago. They are no longer available and have not seen any at a show.
If you’re in HO, Walthers makes cars for both of these companies in correct postwar schemes I believe. Also, someone (TrueLine??) announced they’re coming out with 38’ meat reefers, which were used into the late fifties or even sixties. I think both of those companies are also represented.
BTW I don’t think of those as “northeastern” companies, Hormel is located in Austin, Minnesota for example; I think Swift’s HQ is Chicago(?), though they probably had operations in other parts of the US.
It is some time since I watched the whole film but on YouTube you can find a New York Central promotional film The Freight Yard – it migth be worth watching closely to see what if any reefers are shown.
Which is exactly why they owned railcars. The whole point of a railroad is to carry stuff over great distances.
Swift cars went nationwide distributing Swift meat products to distributors nationwide. So pretty much any railroad, in any part of the country could use Swift reefers. I model the Wilmington, DE area in 1900 and there is a Swift meat distributor there, they had about a 2 car spot right downtown.
Just remember you DON’T need a packing plant, that’s in the midwest, all you need is a meat distributor, they are nationwide. Just like you don’t need a coal mine to handle coal cars, you just need somebody who uses coal. Same with Armour or any of the other meat processors.
I have alot of reefers on my layout alot of different companies but mostly FGE I use the “banana express” cars with the banana logo on the car. These were used alot with the B&O where the cars were loaded from the docks and shipped everywhere as fast as possible. I usually have at least one “reefer” train that runs on my layout and it carries everyone’s reefer cars as a mixed consist of FGE, PGE, Swift, etc. I like to have what I call the “Steak Special” it has cars from the salid bowl from the west coast and the meats from the packing plants and for desert the fruit from the banana express. All heading for a locations in NYC. I have interchange tracks with my B&O and NYC so I can justify the reefer express and the empties on the return side.