paint stripping

when you strip the paint off a car or locomotive thats been weathered and/or decaled, do you have to remove the weathering and the decals first? If so, how?

Hi Snowey,

Usually the paint stripper will take away the weathering and decals along with the paint. Just follow the instructions for the brand of paint stripper you’re using, if it’s a commercial kind.

With isopropyl alcohol, you may need to work over the decals some with Polly S Easy Lift Off (ELO).

Hope this helps,

Paul Schmidt
Contributing Editor

My most recent paint work was repainting a model that a previous owner had painted himself. 99% Isopropanol took off the clear coat, the decals, and the paint. It did take a little extra elbow grease because he had clear-coated the model, but otherwise it went fine.

I also have used Isopropanol to remove paint from a model used for a weathering clinic - I had weathered it with oil paint and an acrylic wash, and it all came off without problems.

Hope this helps!

Just simple automotive brake-fluid has always worked for me. Soak it overnight, and take an old toothbrush under running water, and scrub off the old paint. Make sure you wash off ALL the brake fluid before trying to apply paint though.
Todd C.