Anybody have any suggestions on painting buildings in Cream City Brick?
Previous posts in years past suggested Floquil Mud or Buff. Floquil paints have been discontinued. Any equivalent acrylic paints in the Testor lines?
I’m a bit of a novice, but my son and I are painting a Walthers structure for our HO line.
Tamaya “Buff” is listed as close to Floquil “Mud” on some Conversion Charts. This conversion program does not include Floquil ------------ However a search for “Buff” came up with Tamaya “Buff” and Testors “Sand”
A number of colors and shades qualify as “cream city” brick as one can see if you come to the “Cream City” (Milwaukee) and look at some of the prime examples. The oldest and unmaintained cream city brick buildings looks almost charcoal gray in color. There are plenty of those to see.
Those that have been cleaned up vary from a very light buff with a hint of yellow to an almost orangey color which does not look particularly creamy at all. It all depends on the strain of local clay that was used to make those bricks.
But for the generic cream brick I think Tamiya rattle can TS-68 wooden deck tan comes pretty close. I have seen guys try to capture the slight hint of yellow and under indoor lighting they generally seem to overdo it.
Dave Nelson
Thanks for the advice Dave - I’m actually familiar with the cream city look as I live in Milwaukee. I like the look of the buildings around Cedarburg. Just didn’t know which paint might help me replicate the look.
Many thanks - sounds like you live hear as well?