painting my first engine

yes the engine is primed. but about this water in the line? If i had a compressor with a tank would it be a problem. and where do i get a water trap?

Im going to have to try the alchohol, i was just using water. its water base paint it made sense at the time[xx(]. im going to pick up some model flex paint next time i make a trip to the LHS, should be this weekend.

PS- never put white handrails on the paper where you primed them white and leave them, was headed out this morning and i stepped on one, the long one of course, with the parts you stick in the shell facing up. handrails are ok only a little bloody. Same for my foot actually.[B)] lots of band aids though for all those little holes.

well, i took the plunge… i bought a compressor tonight. Its got a 2 gal tank and runs up to 140 psi (not that ill ever use more than 40) but it seems to be just what i need.

now, where can i get an adapter for my airbrush hose?


Wow! Way to go! [:)][:D][8D][8)]

Since you’re in San Antonio, [C):-)][tup]see if this helps:

300 Broadway
San Antonio Texas Tel: 210-227-1349

HobbyTown USA
1201 Austin Hwy, Suite 102
San Antonio, Texas. Tel: 210-829-8697

You can try the above mentioned hobbyshops. When in a pinch, I’ve found fittings for airhoses and paint guns at hardware stores.

BTW: [;)] If you didn’t get one, make sure you get a walter trap/filter. If these shops don’t carry the water trap or fittings you need, go to a professional Automotive Paint Supplier. If you can’t find one in the phone book, just stop by or call ANY Body Shop and ask a manager or painter where they buy their paint gun equipment from.

Cheers to you and have fun! Keep in touch with your progress.

well my compressor says all the water is trapped in the tank, there is a little water valve you open after each use. Ive been to those hobby shops before and ill look this weekend, i usually use dibbles but i havent seen them there. not that ive ever really looked…

i got 2 coats of yellow paint down today, looks pretty good to me

by the way, heres my compressor if you were wodering what i bought

WHOA! That’s a beast of a compressor! Nice job on your painting, too.


That compressor looks like it came from a “Prototype Locomotive!” What a beauty!

Your locomotive looks good! Give it ample time to dry for masking. Unlike spray cans, the paint does take a tad longer to cure. Some modelers wait from 30 minutes to a few hours and “go at it”. Unless I’m in a hurry, I prefer to wait at least a day.

Re: Your tank.

Yes, you can still “crack open” the valve and drain water. I did this trick years ago with a larger compressor that I had. However, water droplets will still manage to get blown through the air hose to the airbrush I’ve seen this happen so many times. No need to get the fancy $60 filters that couple onto the compressor itself. A typical “inline” water filter goes for about $15 or less. It’s worth it!

Take your time, thanks for the photos, and please keep us posted with your progress! In case you haven’t realized it, you’ll very likely inspire some of the other modelers on here that are hesitant to try airbrushing. So you’re a role model now!

Peace, Cheers, and High Greens!

i masked it and sprayed the red, ill post pics as soon as i can