Painting PlasterCloth - Update

Unsure if I did this right as I rarely post Pictures

Well; here’s a small area; I used a Raw Sienna for the paint & Scuptamold; covered a little with Two Greens but of course not complete yet as you can see?

Honest Answers would be Great!

I think once it dries it will look great! [Y] I miss that part of layout building. You get such quick results in a short period of time.

Looks like you are off and running. One thing I might suggest is for your base color get some cheap latex interrior paint. It is usually the cheapest way to get a quantity of paint. If you want you can add a little tint to vary the color, if necessary.

You can often find a “close enough” color on the OOPS paint shelf, making it even cheaper.

Good luck,
