Anybody had a similar experience with paper/card models?
Just sent this note to Clever Brothers!
Dear Friends,
Just thought I would let you know that I have finished my experience with the Jefferson Ice House. Let me preface my comments by saying that I consider myself to be a relatively competent modeler, having scratch built structures in HO and O for the past 25 years, many under commission to other modelers, albeit with the traditional wood and plastic media. I was so incredibly impressed with the Paper Creek models (I’ve build several of each in HO and O) that I thought that I should try another card model manufacturer. So … all things considered, perhaps I am still a bit of a novice when it comes to card models. At any rate, I ordered your Jefferson Ice House (in O), figuring, if nothing else, it would fit in nicely in the background of my town of Pajarito (On30, D&RGW). [Most of the other buildings are scratch built “adobe” structures but I recall seeing similar ice houses in New Mexico, as a kid]
The kit arrived in timely fashion with the requisite number of sheets of walls, roofs, foundations, etc., and a single 3/4 view of the real building. To my dismay, there were no instructions, no construction sequence. As you may recall, I contacted you about the availability of instructions and you very quickly responded to my message indicating that there were no instructions, other than what was printed on each card sheet (“cut out”, fold forward, fold back) … some sheets had dotted lines indicating fold lines, others did not (but obviously needed to be folded) and some sheets [the foundation for example] had mystifying indications on tabs (to be folded? don’t know, there was no indication, but I assumed so) that said “front” and “back” - to what? The walls all say east, south, north, west on them! At any rate, I figured I would muddle along without instructions since you had suggested a reasonable sequence, build the foundation (fr