Paper Mills

I’m looking for information or blue prints on paper mills what types of buildings and how they are tied together for a switching layout I’m planning I have the Walters P/M and a basic track plan

Since you’re close to at least a half dozen paper mills, you should realize that the Walthers kit in no way bears the slightest resemblance to a paper mill! I was Director Marketing and Sales for the AN Railroad for 19 years and Traffic Manager of St. Joe Forest Products for 16 years. You basically put in wood chips at one end, “digest” them with acid to make pulp and then run the pulp through a Fourdrinier machine to make paper. The smallest paper machine would be several feet long in N scale! Inbound material consists of fibre (pulpwood, woodchips, scrap paper) and chemicals (acid, caustic soda and chlorine if bleached paper). A mill uses four tons of raw fibre to make one ton of paper, so if you ship 20 cars a day, you would receive 80 cars a day.

Gregg Time limits my travel to the local mills so I have to do my research over the net.If you can help with some questions appreciate your help and knowledge in this can E-mail me at thanks J.J