Paper, Rock, Scissors & Paint The Cheap way to make rock faces (Big Photo file)

I posted several pictures about a year ago on a technique I was working on to make rock faces. Well I had to do about 15 more feet of the stuff before I could go any further on the Yard.

So here goes:

Materials: Wedding paper (Foil one side) or heavy brown packing paper (not as crisp edges), White primer (aeresol), Low expansion insulating foam (1 can will do about 10’

Step one: Start with Halmark wrapping paper if you want a really crisp look

Depending on what type of rock you want to simulate you can fold, crunch, hammer, step on, etc.

Once youve stretched it back out you may want to repeat process to put more folds in it. once that’s done prime it (2 coats) with a can of primer.

Now comes the tricky part as you will now have to shpae it and put it into place and trim off the excess. WARNING! Dont’s trim it too much as you will find the foam expands and the paper may shorten with bulging

Use low expansion foam as this stuff does expand over an 8 hr period and will push out the paper. Make sure there is a void behind the paper so the foam will be allow to expand away from the paper

Once you’ve erected the rock face you will need to push and prod it gently for the next several hour to keep the expansion in check.

Most importantly check your clearances for the first hou

Let me see if I understand. You crinkle the the paper and back fill with foam. The paper is the rock face and the foam is support. Correct. Sounds down and dirty to me. Can’t wait to see it painted.

That’s about sizes it up.

This is a picture of an earlier attempt but I am still experimenting with colours and hope to get it right this time.


Well I just finished the paint and added another section. Unfortunately until I get a tripod I have to use a flash , which I find washes out a lot of the detail. There’s a lot more colour but it has been wahed out.

I’ve compard the colours with actual pictures of rocks in the area and it is close.


Fergie, that is awesome! This is definitely going into my favorites.

Now, a few questions.

How exactly are you painting it? Since it is only paper, you can’t really stain it, can you?

Will you being adding environmental weathering effects to it? Or is the color pretty much done?

i have a few rock molds but I have trouble not seeing repetition when they are installed I am currently using the crinkled foil and plaster which is better I must now try your method . keep up the good work and useful tips

Those last two shots are what it’s all about, Fergie. The colour tones are awesome!!

The painting part is a hit and miss thing, which I am still learning. For now I am using a flat white primer, Tole latex paints and india ink.

The primer will retain the colour to a degree. I start by using a spray bottle using water, rubbing alcohol, a drop of soap and one or two drops of india ink. Yes it’s the same mix I use for the ballast wash down prior to gluing. I give the face a good dosing of spray then apply diluted coats of the colours I’m using as every thing will blend in. You will have to experiment to get it right and you may have to repeat process several times. Remeber the colour you apply will not dry the same as it may go darker or lighter.
