Parade Magazine (off topic)

Todays’ (Nov 4th) Parade Magazine carries an article on passenger service funding and offers a place to vote for or against increased government funding of Amtrak, etc. I found the article worth reading and went online and voted as well. If you have an interest in passenger service, take a minute to read the article and vote. You never know, it might help. [:D]J.R.


I just read the article…very interesting material. I missed the tag at the end for the online vote. Thanks for mentioning that.

Don Z.

I just read the article & voted…at the time of me voting the score was “spend more money”: 99% …“spend less money” 1%…“spending about right”: 0%

I read the article and fully agree. Of course us in the know about railroads and passenger trains have been saying that for decades. I did notice that they talked almost totally about the north east corridor and the short runs. Nothing about long distance trains.[2c] Anyway the tide maybe turning and the country waking up.

I voted.

It’s running 99% in favor of increasing funding to passenger rail, with over 1700 votes so far.

I just voted “yes”, and tally was at 1760 votes, still 99% in favor.

I agree, our nation needs to update our passenger rail system. We are falling behind the rest of the world.The Governor of Indiana just recently turned against a high speed rail system across parts of Indiana.The only place local Amtrak services anymore is Garrett Indiana, about 20 miles north of Ft Wayne.Passenger train service has not been avialble in Ft Wayne for years , but the Pennsy used to service this area, and the famed “Broadway Limited” ran right through Ft Wayne.

Being that I am private pilot, I fly my own plane when I can , and I “HATE” commercial air travel!!!And commercial airlines are pushing on the governmeent and FAA to push a lot of the “user fees” off on small general aviation" guys like me because they can’t effectively manage their businesses.This is why a lot of businesses are now hopping aboard the new “Small Aircraft Transporation System” boom.
They buy or lease small high speed executive jets to avoid the major airline and airport delays.Go to a an airport, get on the smaall jet( no security checks, no lost baggage, etc, fly to your destination, and come back home, walk a few feet to your car, and go home.

Passenger service trains would avoid flight delays, and all the other big airport hassles.Set back, relax, and ride, and at the present costs of soaring gas prices, train travel looks very appealing! Beside, from what I remember about passenger trains from when I was a kid, the food aboard a train was BY FAR MUCH BETTER than anything the airliners offers!
You actually set down at a dining table and eat, rather than have your food in your lap.


So, for those of us who do not get Parade Magazine, could you give us the site name where we could vote? Thanks.

As you requested:

Don Z.

Thanks for the link!

I voted!

Just voted, yes of course. Total tally now over 3700 and still 99% say fund passenger rail more!

I voted as well for more funding…it worked when I played Sim City years back…why wouldn’t it work in real life?