Part keeps falling off of PROTO 2000 E8/9

I just bought several new Southern Pacifics E 8/9’s. Very nice running engines. The problem is on the trucks. Each truck has a (3) small square covers that hides the small steel axel. It looks like it acutually moves up and down with the movement of the wheels. I have several that keep falling off. Would it be alright to use a small amount of glue to hole them onto the trucks?


I had the same problem with the E6. One of the pieces that you mentioned was off right out of the box. With a little carefull pressure, I was able to get it back in place. It hasn’t came off since… Good luck, Dave

When I took them out to put together I noticed 2 boxes had only one that fell off. The last box had 5 on the bottom side. I placed a VERY small amount of glue to one side of them. They seem to run the same.

This is a very common problem with these bogies: because of the articulation built into the bogies the journal boxes really need to be able to move with the axles. BUT, once firmly located (there are two lugs on the back of the journal boxes), I’ve not had any fall out in several years…

