This may have been posted earlier, but I can’t find it on research, I wonder what percentage of modelers out there have layouts with passenger trains only? It would be great to see photos of them if posted. I know lots of modellers have combined systems, but a complete set up with lots of varnish and stainless steel would be kind of impressive.
I don’t do it myself, but I do know of a couple of people that do Amtrack only layouts. I don’t know for certain that they are COMPLETELY passenger trains, but I know the one is mainly the Acela train, and the other has a lot of other Amtrack trains as well.
I think this guy’s name is David Harrison (someone correct me if I’m wrong). He’s got a lot of info on the Acela trains, but he has pictures of his layouts.
This site has a lot of pictures and stuff about Amtrack modeling.
Hope that helps!!
As I suspected: no one does passenger only layouts, either they are ashamed to admit a different type layout or no one really has a 100% passenger set-up, would really like to see one if it existed, but there were 107 replies to “changing a lightbulb” hmmmmmmm?
I would like one, but my space doesn’t allow for it in HO, maybe I should build an all passenger N layout. I could fit it under my bed
I am toally jealous of the layout on that sight.
When I build my own layout it won’t be 100% passenger but it will revolve around passenger.
I will run alot of freight… But there will be a one heck of a Heavyweight Varni***hat will demand other trains to give way to it once in a while. =)
I was at a convention in West Virginia and I saw a very small HO scale layout that had all passenger trains. It was modeld around the new Amtrak acela trains. It was much like the one that ''chewie8han" mentioned but it wasnt a triangle.
This layout was passenger only. But pretty small. 30" x 40" as I remember. Completed (!?) in 10 days. Twice around oval, no switches. Fair running.
I don’t remember whatever happened to the layout.
My layout will be passenger only.
I just finished the design, and will begin construction in the Fall.
I remember an N-scale layout that was hardly bigger than a school desk. There was enough room for 1oval with a tunnel and a bridge. There was an Amtrak engine and 2-3 amtrak cars. That was all that would fit, so it qualifies.
I don’t know if this qualifies but what the hey! I have a 2 level RR w/ frieght on the lower level and psgr on the upper. There’s no physical connection between the 2. The focus of the upper level is a 9 track double ended depot (8 platform, 1 running) The depot is along a north wall andf morphs into a double track main along the west wall and halfway along the south where it splits into a 3 track reverse loop/staging yard. “Mainline” operation involves running a train out, sticking it in staging for a bit, and running it back into the depot. The real operational focus is building trains, spotting them in the depot, turning inbound trains and switching the REA bldg at the west end of the depot or the Post Office Distribution Center at the east end. I’ve got 3 yards w/ a total of 47 tracks. The longest holds a 17 car 1955 Empire Builder and the shortest a Pioneer Zephyr (barely). You migh say I’m a seriously addicted Psgr train freak.
I guess it works as long as it’s seperated.
Well, well, there are a few of you closet "passenger guys’’ out there, and a few who are pretty interested and close to getting into passenger traffic—good to hear. I admire the purists of passenger only but I can appreciate “freight guys” who seriously add a passenger service to their layout–you are all to be commended, let’s see some more photos of those sleek long coaches screaming through those dark and dusty freight yards.
there is operation with passenger trains in terminals, breaking up and changing train lengths, adding/removing mail/baggage, express reefers…
but I dont want to limit myself to passenger when there is so much to do in the hobby.
“but I dont want to limit myself to passenger when there is so much to do in the hobby…”
Amen to that. I love passenger trains, expecially RDCs, and my Canadian shortline will have local and through VIA Rail service, and possibly its own RDC commuter train. Even the connecting private mine railway will have a tourist train operation…but I wouldn’t leave out the freight trains, 'twoundn’t be right.
I collect kato amtrak as well as atlas n scale and will run them on my layout when completed but I can’t run only passenger trains. Got to have a number of freight in the mix.
Whats going on. I am the Vice President of I model 97% passenger trains. Between, Amtrak, Metrolink, Metro North, and 1 UP freight train. Its a pretty good mix. Be sure to check it out.
Thanks for the good feedback. Im trying to expanded to more amtrak and commuter passenger trains. Please keep checking back for updates.
Here are some more modern pics from my layout
siberianmo has an HO layout that is 90% passenger with a ‘token’ freight - I couldn’t find his web site though[?]