Paul Smith's Typewriter Art

This is a must see An artist using a typewriter for remarkable art

Interesting stuff, so here is my question…how the heck does he do it?

Is “typing” the most accurate description or would “word processing” be more germane?

Some of those drawings are dated 1940–if it was word processing the artist didn’t call it that!

Even though I never got closer to “typewriter art” than President Kennedy’s head on the last day of typing class, I believe you.

So I also ask: How did he do it? - al

Perhaps you folks are not reading the side bar on this website Paul was born 1921 & died June 25th 2007. he had cerebral palsy No formal education, was a master artist & terrific chess player. On the side bar it shows him on an old typewriter using his left hand and steadying it with his right one & he created 100’s of pictures. Most interesting is the sidebar of the time lapse demo of one of his pictures.