PCM Update (SD7 sample)

Hi All

I just noticed that PCM has updated their schedule as of March 14th and a lot has changed (again).

The Baldwin Sharknose, the SD7 & the SW1500 all are now TBD; while the ALCO PA has moved to a May release date. The GN 4-8-4 has received a November delivery date and luckily the Daylight cars still are scheduled for December.

Weird however is the fact that while the SD7 no longer is scheduled for August there are first pre-production samples of the models available and they look pretty good for my taste (UP, PRR, Demo & C of G).

I look forward to the PA’s and hope now the May date will more or less hold firm…

They will get here when they get here to the USA.

This uncertainty will increase as some products will likely NOT be produced if deemed lack of interest. That is one reason I bought the USRA 2-10-2 Heavy from Walthers Proto with QSI right now instead of waiting on two possibles or maybes from PCM/BLI. Maybe I will have better luck in 2008.

I do hear a birdie say to me my B&O NW’s should be arriving at the store very soon. I will have to take a wait and see on the SD7’s…