Peco code 83 turnouts and tortoise problem

I am working in Peco code 83 using #8 turnouts. I have installed tortoise machines under the benchwork. Total thickness is 33mm - about 1.3 inches. My tortoise wont turn the point, should I remove the spring in the turnout? I tried a heavier wire but it still wont quite turn it. Any ideas? Regards Phil

Removing the spring will probably help. Just make sure the point rails close properly.

Anyone have any ideas on the best way to take them out ?

The Peco springs need to be taken out before the turnout is mounted. There are two tabs holding a cover plate over the spring, that come up through the crosstie nearest the throwbar. Bend these tabs up, and push them down to remove the spring cover, and the spring should then just fall out.

If the turnouts have already been mounted, you can clip the spring from the top if you have some cutters with a very narrow tip, and you won’t need to remove the cover.

Fantastic, thanks for your help. Regards Phil

Plan B, Phil, is simply to swap the Tortoise for a Peco PL-10 (I believe) points motor with the long rod for mounting under the benchwork. No need to remove the springs in that case.

Rick Krall

You may be getting into a problem area! The Peco PL-10E (long shaft version of the PL-10 (short shaft)) is a 2-coil magnet assembly. It requires a pulse to flip it from 1 position to the other, where the Tortoise uses 12V on it at all times. Constant voltage on the Peco units will burn them out.

Stick with removing or softening the turnout spring. Have you tried stiffer piano wire from the Tortoise to the turnout?

Have fun, George

I removed the centering spring from my Peco code 83 turnouts and I was concerned that they do not move completely free. When I push the points manualy to one side (the diverging side), I notice the points return to the normal (straight side). This is before I attach the tortoise. Is this normal action for the Peco turnouts without the centering spring?


Yes, they do that but it doesn’t matter if you are using Tortoises. For the OP, I have found the supplied wire won’t drive a Peco with spring in place but the next size wire (0.032" from memory) will. That is through 23mm of subroabed and roadbed. Not sure how it would cope with 33mm.


If you search Youtube you will find a tutorial on how to replace the spring.



I have 27 Tortoise motors driving Peco code 83 switches. Simply remove the centre spring completely. All of mine work perfectly.
