peco electrofrog on dcc

I’m planning to use Peco code 75 electrofrog turnouts on dcc. Is there any special wiring or insulating to do to prevent short circuits?

Yes, Basically You use insulated joiners on the frog rails.

There’s an article I posted recently I’ll try to find.

Here’s the article that should tell you everything you need to know:

I read the article, very informative. So, that’s all there is to do, isolate the frogs, wire the rest of the track and go?

Track wiring in general is very basic. It starts getting more complicated when you get into reversing loops and signaling systems.

The below fellow has a lot about layout wiring in the below link Save the link to Favorites. You will need it.



I’ve used Peco In Codes 100,83,75 & 55 for what seems a lifetime in both DC and now DCC with no real problems electricly using normal wiring, code 55 can be like bending a small RSJs at times. But using proper coded wheels have had no probs with shorts be it with standard points, 3way or slips, the only problem I have is point blades coming out of the tie on code 75, which I fix with a tiny dab of super glue to the lug. We run 4 cab DC and up to 5 on DCC, it just gets a bit darn crouded.

Lancashire John