Peco/Tortoise question

I just finished laying track for my new layout, I’m using all Peco turnouts. I was originally planning on throwing all turnouts manually, I’m now having second thoughts, at least for some of the turnouts. I have 2 questions, [1]can the springs in Peco turnouts be removed after the turnout has been installed, if not [2]can Tortoise machines still be used? I think I once read you just need to use a stiffer piece of machine wire.

i think it would be possible to remove the spring after installation . you might be able to reach the spring with tweezers , or it might be necessary to pry up the little tabs on the piece that holds the spring in place .

(1) depends how you installed them.

(2) yes, but it will snap over, rather going smoothly as it would without the spring.

I tried a heavier wire for a peco turnout powered by a tortoise and was not satisfied. Sometimes it would throw and other times not. It is not that hard to remove the spring out of the peco turnout. Much happier with the performance now.

I tried a heavier wire for a peco turnout powered by a tortoise and was not satisfied. Sometimes it would throw and other times not. It is not that hard to remove the spring out of the peco turnout. Much happier with the performance now.