I may use some Peco turnouts on my “Layout in Planning.” There are long, uncoated wires coming out of the bottom. If I plan to use Caboose gound throws, should I cut those off close to the bottom, leave a short tail for the next owner to solder to or can I just coil them up and put them under the turnout, not touching each other?
There’s an invisible hump between me and getting started on the benchwork. I’m hoping that if I get some other aspects of the layout (like a track plan) visible to me, it will push me over the hump.
I did a bunch of benchwork and then hit the hump, I’m blaming my bad shoulder and worse shoulder replacement. I am back on track after 2 years. Pun intended.
I have quite a few Electrofrog turnouts from Peco in code 83 and they all have the wire to electrify the frog rails. I plan to wire them with frog juicers.