Peco turnouts switches

Well the first one is working fine. I momentarily touch the wire to 16v and it goes both ways fine. TWO IN A ROW now, the other ones only switch one way and now one has stopped working altogether. Suggestions?

Peco turnouts,when powered with PL-10s,are very reliable.Make sure that you have wired them as per manufacturer’s instructions.If so,I’d guess that power has been applied to them for too long,thus burning the coils.Power application should be momentary,meaning a fraction of a second is enough to throw them,so momentary action “center off” switches should be used for this purpose.Any regular switch that will keep the power applied will fry the coils in no time.

Recheck your wiring. One line from the power supply goes to both terminals on one long side of the switch machine. The other line from the power supply goes to the center post of the control switch. The remaining posts on the other side of the switch machine go to the two outside posts of control switch.

Peco’s definitely require more power than Atlas switch machines. I had mine working fine on the bench, but when I installed them they were flakey at best. I built a capacitive discharge circuit and have had no problems since. Well worth the short time and small change it takes to build one.