Pennsy passenger car 'sets'

I’m in the process of adding another train to my HO setup. I purchased a MTH K4 steam loco, and am looking for passenger cars for her to haul. My question for all you seasoned MRR’s is, who makes a good set? I don’t want to spend a fortune, but would like a bit of realism. I’ve seen four car sets from Bachmann that look decent. These are called Spectrum Heavyweights - what does that mean? Does the heavyweight moniker have any bearing on the loco’s ability to pull a consist of them? And what about their ability to negotiate curves? These cars look long, and my layout has a few tight radi - 18" center of track. Will this be a problem? What about couplers - are they all compatible? Thanks for your help!

Hi TenX. This is the O gauge forum. You should post your questions on the HO forum. I’m sure there are many people over there who can help you.

Good luck!

Heavyweight refers to the “older style” cars…the observation car will have a open platform. In 1938, the PRR started using streamlined cars on its top trains (Broadway Ltd., etc.). From 1938 to 1948, these observation cars had a tapered end. In 1948 they changed to a blunt end. The NYC keep the tapered end on their top trains (20th Century Ltd, etc).

The “HO” guys will know what’s available. Joe

Gats![sigh] Then where is the S gauge forum… Have all the S gaugers gone to HO?

Thanks for the info Joe. Sorry about being in the wrong forum - I didn’t see anything that said this was just for O’s.

I think the S guys hang here also.

Jim H

Sorry, S guys!

It really does beg the question: how many S gaugers are out there? Probably not that many? Oh well. I still like and collect the postwar Lionel as well just not as many as S…so no big deal. As a matter of fact I have a ole’ Lionel my neighbor said he was going to bring over, not running any more, so I may have to confer with the experts!