I stumbled on to this web-site the other day & thought I’d share this with you all !! The real forerunners of todays trackmobiles !!
Thanks, John
I stumbled on to this web-site the other day & thought I’d share this with you all !! The real forerunners of todays trackmobiles !!
Thanks, John
I saw that same site and have always wondered if I could kitbash a K-line plymouth or other small loco to look like that. Its amasing that in one photo it is seen pulling a multi bay hopper. The PRR site is on my web favorites as I model PRR steam era. The historical info on that site is to say the least, impressive. Thanks for the thread.
Hello John! I just saw The website you posted & those Switchers are very interesting indeed! Now Dennis will want to go back to NJ & see if he can find one of the Switcher’s for an outdoor layout in his Backyard! [;)][;)][:o)][:o)][;)] He’ll nickname it the “Gritsmobile”[;)][:O][:P][:o)] Take Care.
Very interesting, John. Those are some antique pictures.
Thanks guys !! I thought it might be a really nice & unique subject to try to model too. I move cars all the time on our rip track, mostly with a towmotor & for real heavy loads we use our truck. I think some of those were built by Alco it said !!
Thanks, John
Hey john one time when I was up in Manhiem,PA. I came across this at a propane company they use this to move tank cars Its not the best pic but its a neat little item
RT : I remember seeing trackmobiles just like that at some factories we used to go to to repair cars when I first got on the RR !! Sometimes some of those old trackmobiles would get the cars derailed if they didn’t do it just right. They actually lift up on the car to get traction & can derail in a curve ! Oh. & thanks for those pictures of where you work that you put up a while back for Dennis & I !! I forgot to tell you before !!
Thanks, John