Pennsylvania RR

I’m modeling the Pennsy in Ohio in the mid 1950’s. My question is this. Did the Pennsy have Alco RS-3’s, and if so, how were they painted? Any help would be appreciated.

Yes. They were painted in PRR’s basic Brunswich Green with Dulux Gold lettering.

1960’s -
1950’s -


Thanks! I was pretty sure that the Pennsy, being the best Railroad in the world, would have some of nearly every engine produced, but I wasn’t sure of the specific engines. Thanks for the help!

Little known fact but the PRR owned more varieties of Alco’s then any other manufacturer. Don’t misinterpret that into they owned more Alco’s but Alco had the most models of all the manufacturers.

Similarly, PRR was also the single largest purchaser of Baldwin’s diesel production, close to 20% of the total.

If I remember correctly without my data books, the PRR had both Phase ! and Phase III RS-3’s.

They were painted DGLE above the frame but Black below the frame.


According to Kalmbach’s “The Second Diesel Spotter’s Guide” on pages 245-247…

PRR’s #8449 - #8451 are as shown as 1600-hp RSD-4s with (36) produced from 3/51 - 8/52.

The RSD-4 used the same generator as the (19) 1600-hp RSC-3s produced from 11/50 - 6/52.

There were (204) 1600-hp RSD-5s produced from 3/52 - 3/56 Externally the RSD-4 is identical to the RSD-5, and; internally the RSD-5 had the same larger generator as used in the Alco PA-2.

IMHO, this 1973 diesel spotter’s guide, and Kalmbach’s 1989 follow-up “The Contemporary Diesel Spotter’s Guide” are both highly recommended for diesel confirmations.