Period colors - A valuable resource for modelers

While some may find it hard to believe, there was life (and color!) before Pullman Green, boxcar red, and basic black. A friend of mine has set about finding, and posting online, vintage railroad paint suppliers color charts. With his permission, here are links to a couple very helpful pages from his website;

1877 JW Masury & Son Co. Paint Catalog# 1883 H.W. Johns Asbestos Roof, Railroad and Seaside Paints.

More information is available here: Pacific Narrow Gauge dot Com Historical Paint Data

And for those who’ve wondered what planished, or “Russia” iron really looked like:

real Russia Iron samples

Thanks, what paint would you recomend to replicate these colors or what mixture to use? - Peter

Honestly? I only custom mix if I have to. Polly S has a lot of nice basic colors. So does Tamiya. If I absolutely need a certain shade I’ll mix mid-priced craft store acrylic paints - American, Folk-Art, Apple Barrel, etc - plus a few drops of distilled water or sometimes rubbing alcohol if it’s a cool day and I want them to dry a bit faster. The cheaper brands won’t cover, and the ‘creamy’ ones hide too many details, so you have to look before you buy.