Pewter models

Hola everyone: After cleaning a pewter model what shuld be the way to prep for paint . All comments will help.Thanks to all

I assume you mean white metal–pewter is not normally used for models, although it looks very similar to pewter. Typically a metal kit should be sprayed with model primer (similar to regular spray primer) prior to final painting. Before painting, washing in warm soapy water and air drying is suggested to remove any oil or grease from the model (including skin oils.)

Jetrock said it all, but Jetrock, pewter is used in HO casting more often than you might think, notably some of Woodland Scenics’ building castings. In terms of care and treatment, treat pewter just like so-called white metal.

Thanks guys the model say 100% britania pewter. The Roadmaster series by GHQ Thanks