pfaudler milk cars

I remember reading recently in a model railroad magazine, I don’t know which one, it had photos of milk cars, one with the roof section removed, showing the tank. Does anyone remember seeing this article?

Help me find it, Please.

Actually I found the article.

An Article in… “How to Detail and Build Model Railroad Scenes” by MR page 43 starts the article. It has lots of info on Milk cars, photos of milk cars, one with the roof section removed, showing the tank, history, etc. This is great help for anyone learning about this history and the workings of a milk car, in it’s various forms.

P.S. these are prototype and model pics.
These are ideas for dairy/creamery type pics.

Were the photos of models or prototypes?

Roundhouse ran an ad in RMC a couple of issues back with a photo of their new model. Intermountain has also recently released Pfaudler cars. (I bought one from my LHS - beautiful.)

LIONEL O Scale Milk Cars

The LIONEL Milk Cars have removeable Roofs and Milk Tanks inside.

Andrew Falconer

OK, - - - -whats a pfaudler milk car?