PFM United Brass Shay - Benson Logging 25 ton shay

I recently purchased this shay. It came in the original box and is a 25 ton two truck Shay locomotive. I checked a number of PFM and United catalogues and can not find any reference to it.

Would like to know its age.

That is a unique one, I checked in my 2009 “Brass Model Trains” by BrassGuide, & I only see Benson’s listed as 24T in 1969, 1970, 1972 in catalog ‘P’ made by United

There is a Cowichan 25T in 1969, & 1974 also in catalog ‘P’ but made by Atlas/Asahi

Wish I had more of a definative answer for you…

Sweet looking loco Don. This website says 1972.

Thanks for the information. Interesting web site.

Your welcome. I stumbled across it while looking for info on something I bought last year. As to how accurate it is? I don’t know but he seems to have done his homework, lol.

David Barron is the proprietor of SSM and a long time narrowgauger. I’m on several email lists that he is also a member of and my experience is that David knows his stuff.