Hello All!
I regularly post on the CTT Forum. However, My other interest is in full size trains & their history. Especially, The Anthracite Railroads Between Scranton & Carbondale, Pa. I was wondering if anyone can post a Photo of the Mayfield Yard & Roundhouse of the New York,Ontario, & Western RR? It was located in the area of Rte 6 & Old Plank Rd in Mayfield. All that is left is some ruins of old Passenger Cars there & some pieces & parts of old Coal Collieries that have been torn down in the last 20-30 years. Baumans Junkyard is now located on site there & trespassing is not allowed to look at what might have been there before. Thank You & have a nice day.
Cannot help with the photo. However, I would like to report that in the summer of 1950 I rode a D&H commuter train from Scranton to Carbondale. We were pulled by a Loree Consolidation 2-8-0, with elephant ears and a Wooten firebox, and the coaches were steel open-platform arch-roof cars with roller-bearing trucks. I was riding a through interline Willksbarre- Carbondale ticket with one stub for the Laural Line interurban and one stub for the D&H. Took a bus betwen stations, since the Providence streetcar line in Scranton had already been converted. (Running were Nay Aug Park, Green Ridge Peoples, Green Ridge Suburban, and South Scranton or Southside. Also Nanicoke was still running in Wilksbarre, plus the Hanover one-car toonerville-like branch from San Souci Park.)
If you can get a copy of the “Scranton Division” from the 1985 Observer, available from the NYO&W historical society then you will find two photos. The first is photo #3 on p 71 and the other is photo #8 on p 75. I’m sure there are probably others out there that members of the Society would know about.