What do you think about a thread devoted to posting daily rail related pictures? Just give credit where credit is due.Here’s mine for today:
I found this in Jim Fitzgerald’s gallery on rail images. It’s called UAL/UP merger.
That might frighten a few people if they see that flying over head![:D]
How’s this, the infamous Berlinerwerke 2-4-6-8-10-12 Multiplex!
This was found at the supplied url…http://home.att.net/~Berliner-Ultrasonics/bwrkapoc.html
Ok, Here is the first ring of the 2926s bell in 40 years.
WOW I wish I can hear that!
Thanks Kevin for posting the pic [tup][yeah]
Hey … this thread is looking good! Here’s my pic for today:
This is from Bill Killion’s folder on rail images.
Where the bell lives,
I love it.
Certainly is an improvement over UAL’s color scheme.[:D]
that is great
California Zephyrs Western Pacific 882 Silver Planet from 2003 in Mexico
from Juan Viladroza’s rail images
What do you think about a thread devoted to posting daily rail related pictures? Just give credit where credit is due.Here’s mine for today:
I found this in Jim Fitzgerald’s gallery on rail images. It’s called UAL/UP merger.
How about this, a REAL Genesis engine. [:D]
This was also found on Sam Berliner’s website; http://home.att.net/~Berliner-Ultrasonics/bw-apoc2.html
Check out http://photoshow.comcast.net/RICHARDTRAINS/railroads for some really excellent train slide shows with sound, from Richard Reynolds.
You can OWN this loco with a $1,500,000 minimum bid!
NSW steamer 3801 lithgow from Eric Whitmores Rail Images
How about a Lego Schnabel car?
This was also found on S. Berliner’s site; http://home.att.net/~Berliner-Ultrasonics/rrschnb1.html
For barndad,
The 2926 backhead, showing the ATS bracket, also some of the NDT test sites.
wow Gunns … very different from our 2903.
Here’s my pic for today:
Here’s what a train should look like!
The last operational streamlined steam engine in the USA
How about a pair of B & O Budd RDCs relettered for the Maryland Department of Transportation for my picture.
Photo by me.[tup]