Pics from newbie

Hi again. Patience please, thank you to the member who told me how to post pics. Next time I might figure out how to do pics and text in the same post.

These are a few from a small portion of the layout- #1 showing Aspen bark, sculptamold, ceiling tile and scratchbuilding, #2 same thing with recently leveled garden using rock (pebble) reataining wall, #3 more bark, SM and tile with scratch build, #4 and #5, another view of bark, SM, ceiling tile as well as the recent garden plot, #6 a view from above by the coal mine (the station and water tower go where the mess on the right is, which is also covering the small switchyard), and #7 hiding of Atlas switch motors, more scratchbuild and repurposed caboose as coaling tower office.

Overall, about 75% of the basic terrain is established, and of that about 50% is in a “completed” stage, save for earth color and plant life. I have begun terrain building on one of two last areas yesterday. Obviously reach is problem (one of several beginner mistakes), but I have a plan to build a folding ladder of sorts to prop against the wall, allowing me to get above and beyond! Hopefully the end stages look as good as many of all of your efforts- it’s a fun process anyway!


Photos and text aren’t a problem. Just post the photo as you normally would then enter the text beneath it.

You call yourself a “Newbie”, that’s some great work can’t wait to see what you’ll be doing when Experienced…Very nice rockwork

What Bob said! “Newbie” indeed Duane.

Fantastic looking scenery so far, keep us posted on the progress


Thanks a bunch guys. Newbie to the forum- I have been working this layout on and off for about 8 years, reading a lot online as I go and learning, things like hiding switch motors, using ceiling tile and other materials. All of you have helped this get to where it’s at now. Happy RR’ing!!!



Really nice work. Your use of aspen bark for rocks is a new one for me but you really captured to look of rock faces.


That would be me. It’s simple enough, really.

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  2. Post link [IMG link here]

  3. (more text)

  4. (Next Image)

and so on.
