For those who did not see my original thread (pics of latest diorama) the general consensus was I needed to put some ground foam on top of the moss to hide the coarsness and to appear more like leaves here is the result after doing one tree.
I ran out of grn ground foam so i couldn’t do the entire tree but you can get an idea what it would look like. I definatley like the greener look. It really hides the coarsness of the moss. Next time I will flock the entire tree before planting. But that was what this diorama was all about, trying new things. I think it passes the 3 ft rule nicely.
I want to thank all of you who answered my original thread and the feedback that was given.
Terry in FLorida
For those who didn’t see the original thread this is what the two trees looked like before I put grn ground foam flocking on the tree to the right. What do you think better? worse? Same?
So, the next time I’m watching a Live Breaking News! car chase on Fox News, can I tell people, “Nah, it’s Scubaterry’s layout. I recognize the trees.”?
Beautiful work. You are using your time well. How’s Lady Trooper doing?
Mr B - Tks for the compliments. As far as the wife, short version she was hit by a hit and run driver on I-75 while removing some debris from the highway while on duty. She actually had put the retread pieces in her trunk and was about to get in her patrol car when someone hit her (they assume the right mirror) and knocked her down the road for several feet. She was parked well off the road in the grass with all lights (LED’s) going. So after five months of phy therepy when she was released for full duty she resigned and now is an officer with the Agriculture Dept. As a matter of fact she had an interview the other day for a Captain’s position. She is much happier now, not quite as much stress and she is really enjoying it. Thanks for asking.