Pics of N Scale Boats on HO Layouts?/BLMA Bridges

Does anyone have pics of N Scale boats (especially tugs/barges) on their HO layouts? I’ve often read that vessels are easier to mix scales with than most scenic accessories.

I have a 7" deep rectangular area for a water scene under a 3 1/2" high truss bridge. It would be a dock scene and as it’s so small, probably to be used with small logging tugs and some log floats.

I’ve also thought about sawing a Taurus tug model in half and using the resulting bow section and stern sections with their cut offs against the backdrop.

Any such pics would be greatly appreciated if anyone has something they’d be willing to post.

Finally, I’d like some opinions on brass bridges especially the BLMA truss bridges in HO. Aside from the superior detail are there other reasons to consider a $300+ bridge over plastic? More confidence in supporting the weight of locos? More durability should the bridge need to be removed someday for maintenance? Anything I’m not thinking of here, for consideration?


Hello Capt. …

As far as scale marine vessels go, I can’t really comment as I do not have much expertise in this arena, but there are many boats in 1/87th scale you could probably use.

Regarding the BLMA bridges in brass, these are a terrific value, in terms of brass strucutures and are exact scale replicas of actual bridges in the death valley basin of California. They were all constructed in the are following the floods around 1926 -1929 when much of the mainline was realigned higher on the banks of the Mojave river in Afton Canyon.

The Bridge currently available(another second and larger span is coming) is actually based on a 150’ Warren Truss design used to span several locations along the Mojave.

Allthough, an unmistakable LA&SL/UP prototype, it would be right at home on any layout and makes for a great centerpiece for a scene.

I currently have 4 bridges to be used on a 2- track mainline - two spans each and will be using the Segmental Scale Bridge Co’s Gypsum Abutments and piers, specifically designed for this model.

I’m also going to add several of the 200’ spans when they become available towards the end of the year.

The Central Valley thru truss Bridge is also a great option and I plan on using these on a few branch lines.

Depending on what you want to spend, the Brass bridges are superb but you can expect to pay around 260.00 on average. The Central Valley kit as about 39.00. If you want a ready to run unit that is exact scale to the prototype(these are large bridges) you can’t beat the BLMA model.

The BLMA Bridges will accept the Central Valley Bridge ties no problem.

Hope this helps you out.

Good luck,


Thanks HF1.

Have you gotten a firm delivery date (or even month) for the BLMA 200’ bridges? The company said end of the lst quarter so I’m guessing March/April? I’ll need to decide whether to go with two 150’ spans or wait if I go with the brass bridges. I love the C.V. bridge but not sure my modeling skills are up to them just yet and I really want to get the mainline built and sceniced a.s.a.p. Do you have a dealer with a good price to recommend?

Regarding N scale boats in HO setting the Sylvan steam tug waterline models and the Model Expo HO version might work. Anyone know if really nice tiny logging shifter tug models? (I think the prototypes are around 20-25’ max. I remember seeing only one offering quite awhile back (can’t remember who’s) but they were very crude.

Last I spoke with Craig Martyn, he indicated they were hopeing ot have them here by the holidays but its been pushed back about the same time you’re saying.

I got mine at 20% off thru Discount Model Trains in Addison ,Tx - they do mail order so you could try them… they are listed in the back of MR and their phone is 972-931-8135. Ask for Wayne and he’ll get you on the order list for one.

Another excellent dealer is Spring Creek Model Trains, out of Deshler, NE - Dave and Deb Zucker are the owners and are good friends of mine - you call them and they’ll get you a similar discount. their # is 402-365-7628.

If you want the absolutely best looking Abutments and piers, check out the products from Scale Segmental Bridge Co.

He makes the Piers and Abutments for the BLMA Bridges.

The owner, Keith, manufactures these himself and they are terrific. You can only get these products directly or from Spring Creek Model Trains.

here’s their web URL :

Good Luck,


I wasn’t aware of segmental I"ve bookmarked their site. I’m more interested in cut stone or brick overlay abutments/piers, but I’ll see what’s available if I go this route. Thanks very much for the dealer recommendations.

Another duplicate…[:S]

Well, while I’ve got your attention… does anyone have the Segmented Scale bridge abutments that can give me a measurement from base (bench top) to track level?

The site says 28 scale feet, but a couple of people have told me that it’s really not much more than a couple of inches tall. So…I’m confused.

I’ll call a dealer and Keith (the owner of the manufacturer) is going to email me back but he’s also busy with getting ready for a show right now…

Anyone have one? I’m wondering if there’s an easier/better fit of bridge to abutment than with a standard Chooch/shelf type. (Aside from the prototypical aspect of the Scale Segmented version.)

Thanks for your PMs HF1 I’ve just sent you another.

Cheers everyone. Looking forward to seeing my lst bridge “in person”[:D]

Sorry server weirdness? Meant to send PM.