Pics of New Layout---Comments NEEDED!!!

Here is the latest folks,


Canadian Shield

The bridge is a removable piece, but attatched on both ends with a screw. My layouts legs are 4 feet off the floor plus the 1/4" mdf, 1x2 frame, and 1" foam layer, so the bridge piece is not annoying at all. One other thing is I am only 21 yrs old! So bending down isnt a problem for me at my age, 20 yrs from now when it might be, the layout sets up differently. The bridge is to “bridge” the gap between the four modules. I currenty have this setup in a master bedroom in a 2 bedroom apartment. When I get a house with a basement the modules will be seaparated to form an around the walls empire!

There are four modules:
Table 1 2.5x8 feet (City of Kenora, branch to “Northern Division”, Oil Refinery, Classification Yard)

Table 2 2.5x5 feet (CPR and Canadian Shield Interchage, division tower)

Table 3 2.5x5.5feet (Canadian Shield Shops, roundhouse scene and Small yard)

Table 4 2.5x5feet (Ore Mine, Winnipeg/St. Boniface scene, Yard, 5-7 large industries to switch)

As for yard trackage, I love yards! Thats why I have or will have 3 of them! The Layout gets switches installed as the money permits. The Northern Division (which is expansion territory) will include an extremely large hidden staging yard to supply the three small yards, and other industries traffic.

The layout has a minimum radius of 11" on the curves, and #6 switches instead of 4s. I am set in 1959, so steam and diesel will run.

Comments welcome! I am the lone modeller up here in my city it seems!

Canadian Shield

You’re off to a good start

Yes youare off to a great start! It looks great and I love that yard and turntable area!

sweet! looks better than mine!

Wow lookin nice been awhile since ive seen pics on N scale in this forum. Hope you post more on its progress

Very nice, and obviously some good thinking involved. It usually takes about 21 years of layout building to realize the value of modular design.

When you decide that ducking under your narrow fixed bridge has gotten old, the design will allow easy replacement with a drop-down or lift-up variety.

Chuck (who models in twice-N, 1:80 scale)