pictures and/or ideas for track around ceiling

I was hoping to find some pictures and or suggestions regarding building a track that is about 12 - 18" from the ceiling. If anyone has any pictures, I would love to see them. Please email to

The room that this will go in is ~15 x 18 with 9’ ceilings. There is an opening that is ~5’ for the stairs. I would like to build some type of bridge for this area. I would also like to include a tunnel on the adjacent wall. Any pictures and or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Please email.

Thank you,

I don’t jhave any pictures, but a while ago, before my uncle moved he had a layout around his ceiling. It was really cool.

On the Discovery Channel show Monster House, they hung a Lionel train set from the ceiling. Here’s a link to some photo’s. They had it going in an out of rooms throughout the house.


photo’s are at the bottom of the page