[:)]I finally made it up to North Jersey to see her. She doesn’t look all that bad. She needs cosmetic work and maybe some parts but other wise she has most of her parts. My concern is there is an open, let’s call it that in the bottom of the firebox. I took a picture of it. Does anyone know if this is a clean out and maybe just missing the door. I talked to someone at the site and they told me that the engine was working in the late 90’s. The Vo-tech that had it got the boiler up and running one time.
If it was running as recently as the 90s and the boiler is still in adequate shape, there is no reason that it couldn’t be restored so long as you had the money. Money is neat that way. If you have enough of it, you can pretty much do anything.
Another funny thing about money, there never seems to be enough of it. Good pictures. I think the part that called missing truely is missing, that must be the mounts for the air compressor. I could not find one on it and that black cylinder hanging from one of the hoses is a moisture trap used to a compressed air system to contain water vapor. Hope this helps.