Piggy Back Trailers

I am looking to model a piggy back trailer loading/unloading facility about the 1940’s. i am wondering how they loaded the train. Did they back each trailer down the train or was there another way they did it. Any of the pictures that I have seen do not show much, mainly the ramp at the end of the train. Nice pictures but not a lot of infromation.


The New Haven was a major TOFC pioneer – their flat cars had drop down ramps on the ends so the trailers could be loaded “circus” style.

The cars were backed up to a cement loading ramp and the trailers backed on and pushed all the way to the furthest car as they worked their way back to the one nearest the loading ramp.

To clarify, what you’re calling “drop down ramps” are/were actually bridge plates. These were intended to provide a bridge from one car to the next for the trailer and tractor wheels as they were loaded and unloaded circus style.

Some of those “circus” loading facilities had special tractors modified for the job, with little greenhouse cabs that were virtually all glass and only enclosed the driver’s seat. Made for greatly improved visibility when backing.
