Pin number function assignment ?

I lost my cheat sheet i made for 8 pin decoders and what each pin is for. The directions i have gave me enough to find the forward, reverse and common for lights. Need the other 5 pins and which one a strobe goes to. And which goes to ditch lights The specific decoder in question is a NCE D14SR

i asked instead of looking it up cause others might find this usefull


I think this Business Card came with a decoder.

I made this on my CAD

Not familiar with the NCE D14SR


Scroll down to find the pdf for your decoder. Joe

You won’t find that output in the 8 pin connector. The 8 pin plug was designed to only support 2 total function outputs - headlight and backup light. The connection points on the D14SR are shown on the instruction sheet linked above - you need to solder wires to the decoder.

