Pink insulation for trees& bushes?

Today I was in my Home Depot and as I walked by the insulation I wondered if it could be used for scenery. I am refering to the pink type that is used in walls of new construction. Anyone have any experience with it?

I get itchy just thinking about it. With Furnace filter and aquarium filter and a host of other products available, why would I want to work with such a skin irritant. Not for me thanks.


I’m with Brent. Bad idea. That’s nasty stuff, meant to be boxed away from human contact.

Furnace filter trees are something else, though, and easily made inexpensively. Google it. Maybe that’s what you were thinking about? Just be sure you get the right material, a rubbery, spongy media, not the newer styles ones that are also fiberglass. Humidifier media is another similar material that might work.

Assuming that you mean the fiberglass stuff that comes in rolls, there are only three answers: no, No and NO!

This stuff will penetrate and irritate your skin. If you get it on your fingers and then happen to rub your eyes, well, ugh, I don’t want to even think about it.

Please come back and promise that you won’t do this.

If you mean the "Styrodur"type of insulation…That is often used for making landscape I think You could give it a try

Specialy when it is very fine/s,small particels…May be use a rough rasp/graiter to get some "fine turf"looking material…When working with styrodur it came up too in my mind do use it as “leaves”!!

Never tried it, so hope to see/read your results IF the insulation is styrodur of course!!!

Coloring could be easy: deluted acrylpaint.

For those who thought/think it was the glassfiberstuff :Watch/read this thread about the pink styrodur:

( scroll down a bit…)

and someof the adresses where to buy pink styrodur;


Hey… Looks like that idea of mine was bad. I will look into the furnace filter and poly fiber technique…Thanks for setting me straight…


Different stuff entirely. You’re referring to the extruded styrofoam sheets, which are often used by model railriaders for terrain construction. Most of us here are quite familiar with the stuff. Most of us would second your opinion that it’s a great product for layout construction.

But that’s not what the OP asked. He’s talking about foliage and trees.

The OP is referring to the blown fiberglass “puffy” insulation which comes in rolls, and as others have pointed out, is a skin irritant, inhalation hazard, and eye irritant. Using this on your layout is an absolute no-no.

For the OP – if you’re looking for a cheap alternative to the WS / Scenic Express / Micromark, etc. products, you can buy large bags of white poly-fil (spun polyester fiber) at Michaels or other craft stores and paint it with a rattle can.

OOps sorry about my misunderstanding…

Overhere there is no -pink- fiberglasinsulation stuff ( only yellow) so I thought he refered to the pink ( styrodur)insulation stuff that is used too overhere between /against walls.

Thanks for clearing up about the "Pink "stuff he was asking for =)

Kind regards Jos