Placement of Keystone Details PRR n scale switch machines next to Atlas Code 55 turnout

I think the title says most of what I’m looking for. I’ve been looking for prototype pictures to give me a lead, but no luck.

So two questions really: can someone tell me or show me how to do this, - or - can you point in the direction of a place where I could find this information on my own?

The printed part comes in left- and right- hand versions so I’m thinking that affects the placement.

And while I have you on the line, are there any suggestions or best-practice for removing the unused side of the throwbar and tie extensions on the Atlas Code 55 turnout? I’d bet there are several ways to do it wrong and ruin a turnout, so this is a “best to ask for advice before you start hacking away at something.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone comment on this either in the Forum or in Model Railroader itself. Hmmmm.

You can find lots of information on the placement of US&S Electro-Pneumatic switch machines in a Keystone Modeler magazine article from Winter 2013 (#83) which can be found online. Posting a link here isn’t within the forum etiquette.

This should get you in the ball park:

PRR Signal Standard Drawing by Edmund, on Flickr

Good Luck, Ed