Planning continues for new Amtrak stop in Ohio

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Planning continues for new Amtrak stop in Ohio

If 1400 college students are a big market, what about Greater Columbus, with 1,800,000 year round residents?
Our options - drive 100 miles to Cincinnati (triweekly, 1:30 AM EB, 3:16 AM WB), or 125 miles to Toledo or Cleveland (all between 11:30 pm and 6:30 AM)?

There should be a law that requires all passenger stations to have at least one unisex restroom !!! There isn’t any place nearby in Alliance, Ohio at at 2AM while waiting for Amtrak!!!

Paul, that was 1400 students from Illinois alone!

Now if only they could get some service in the daytime. I doubt Indiana (or Illinois or Ohio) will come up with the money to run a second Hoosier State (morning eastbound, evening westbound) between Chicago and Cincinnati any time soon.

@ Paul Lockman. And don’t forget that market studies showed great potential for a 3-C service, gone since the days of the NYC, and plans were set to launch it - until Ohio voters elected one of our several anti-rail governors and he declared ‘this train is DOA.’ Here in PA, it was a close call but we managed to save the daily Pennsylvanian, luckily, at least for now.

Hmm, doesn’t the host railroad have a say in the station design and location?

You’re right Richard. Somebody could at least put a port-a-can at these platforms.